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Updates on

March 23, 2020 and September 17, 2021.

Our Services During Coronavirus

Hello Monthly Service Contract and all of our Customers,

Given the current situation with Coronavirus, we are glad we can assure you that we have been able to fulfill our Monthly Service Contract obligations to you. 

To our other Customers, we have ways to get the job done for you too!

We are grateful for your patronage of our business which, thankfully, is

mostly done outside your homes or business structures.

At any homes that we have needed to enter for any reason,

we have made sure no one is in residence or have worn a respirator and gloves if someone is there. 

That means that Trapper has looked somewhat like a bug in those instances but we consider that better than just masks.  

Another thing we are grateful for is that we already had a supply of respirators, disposable gloves, anti-bacterial wipes and disposable booties on hand as standard supplies in our vehicles.  Of course we have kept our distance, as you who have seen us know.  We will continue with these precautions as long as necessary.

Therefore, all of our currently scheduled services are still on schedule     

    Trap Checks     

    Sprays to repel mice from homes & structures     

    Sprays to repel porcupines from killing pine trees (also helps to deter them from your property to try to protect your pets from getting quilled)

Vole & Mole Customers 

Properties at Higher Elevations – the snow has almost melted enough to begin putting down our repellent in your yards

Properties at Lower Elevations – the snow has melted enough and it is time to start that application in your yards  

Exclusion Work 

Thankfully we were able to finish all identified Exclusion Work (to keep animals from getting inside) before Coronavirus hit.

Properties at Higher Elevations – we have to wait for snow to melt to view where more exterior Exclusion Work might be necessary.  We'll be in touch with you about that. 

Communication On-Site With You 

We have seen a few of you out there and miss our usual friendly conversations like in the past.

But, to be good neighbors, we have limited ourselves to waving at you or conversations with you on the inside while we're on the outside some distance from you.

We're just trying to comply with what has been asked of all of us to help slow this thing down and appreciate seeing you do the same.   

Credit Card or Debit Card Payment Option Available

For your convenience & to lessen your need to go anywhere – we offer the option for you to authorize us to automatically charge the monthly amount to your Credit Card or Debit Card.

As many of you already know, pre-payment by either Check, Credit Card or Debit Card will result in a PAID stamp on the invoice you will continue to receive by email each month.

For those paying by Check now, if you would like to convert to the Credit Card or Debit Card payment option, give us a call (for better security than all of it in an email).

Here's the information we'll need:

    Credit Card Number

    Expiration Date

    3 Digit Security Code on the back

    Name as it reads on the card

    Address the card is associated with 


Take care and may we all keep finding ways to laugh at ourselves during this bizarre time.

Trapper & Fae

March 23, 2020 Update

Speaking of laughing during this bizarre time...

Trapper's Version of Social Distancing

On Friday Trapper came into the house from the shop and said, "I've got this Social Distancing thing figured out." He was skinning a skunk in the shop and a guy we know came to the door but stopped cold – had no desire to come on in. The skunk didn't smell that much but the guy kinda thought it might so he backed away and left.

True story.

September 17, 2021 Update

Although the photos below show our compliance with masking in 2020, we are now not wearing any masks.  We believe Covid is a real disease but that the time has come to treat it as we do other diseases instead of using the mask and vaccination mandates as huge government control overreach and serious violations of our Constitutional rights as citizens of the United States of America.  We are leaving these photos here because of the Basset Hound nature of them but NOT as an encouragement to wear masks now. 

Here's Fae's version of dealing with the situation – in 2020.

But then we were inspired by our ol' buddy Bridger with his shades plus  Fae's mask sorta has the coloring of Clementine.

It's these kinda moments that inspired the writing of Life as a Mountain Man's Wife.

We've been gratified to hear from several folks who are either reading it for the first time or re-reading it to pass the time in isolation with laughter.

To find out more about it, click Trading Post to go to that page on this website & scroll down to the Davidson Publishing section.

Or you can click the link here to go to our other website at (must use the HYPHEN or will get the wrong Davidson Publishing).

There are ways we can get a SIGNED copy to you during this stay-at-home time if you do not already have one – just ask.