We discourage the use of rodent poison to diminish the chances of animals dying inside walls and other difficult areas and to guard against poisoning of children, pets, area wildlife and ground water.   Therefore, we do not use poisons for any service we provide.  Please see theProfessional Services page on this website for our Non-Chemical methods of handling rodents.

Our Service Policy if we discover POISON on a property

We have built a valuable and desirable reputation with area veterinarians, property managers, homeowners, HOAs, Colorado Parks & Wildlife personnel, customers & prospective customers and others that we DO NOT USE POISONS for any service we provide.  We will not jeopardize that reputation by having our services associated in any way with the use of poison.  This is a serious matter.

Therefore – we have adopted the following positions in order to be able to stand firmly behind this reputation with confidence:

    If we find poison during our initial inspection of your property, we will ask your permission to remove and dispose of it.  Reluctance to get rid of it could easily mean we     

        will not provide any services at your property at all.

    If we discover that poison has been placed on your property after we have begun any of our services there (regardless of who put it there), we reserve the right to

        VOID any contract involving that property and Davidson Wildlife Services LLC.  

    If possible, we will discuss the circumstances with you or your representative but we still reserve the right to discontinue some or all of our services at that property.

We are not opposed to killing rodents but, in our experience and professional opinion, poison is not the way to do it and we have alternative methods.

Danger to Children & Pets  

It is easier than you might think to leave a door open or otherwise accidentally allow access to poison that will harm or even kill a curious child or pet.  There is an antidote for it (Vitamin K) and stomachs can be pumped but it is still a very unhappy time for all involved and must be done quickly to avoid serious consequences. 

It is also a possibility that a child or pet could find a poisoned rodent that doesn't make it out of your home before it dies and then is found by the child or pet.  If handled by a child or ingested by the pet – no joke...it can kill them!  We know of puppies and even some larger dogs that have died this way.

So, why take the chance???  

It is therefore substantially better to exclude or repel rodents before they get in instead of taking the chance of having poison on the premises at all.

Danger to Wildlife

Poisoned rodents that get out of your home will most likely die and then be eaten by wildlife that feed on them out there.

Disposal of rodents if they have not been poisoned is a good thing to do because that provides food for the wildlife.

But if the rodents eat poison before heading out or being disposed of, that's not a good thing for the wildlife.  We know of several wild animals that have died from eating poisoned rodents – especially several great horned owls in one story we were told by the person who discovered the dead owls but did not poison the animals that killed them.

It is therefore substantially better to exclude or repel rodents before they get in instead of poisoning them after they gain access to your home.

Danger to Ground Water

When rodents ingest poison they become desperate for water.  We have dealt with circumstances where rodents got into the well of the property, drowned and contaminated the water.  One situation was so bad that the water coming out of the faucets inside the house wreaked of the smell of dead rodents and made the house water unusable.  They had to move out of the house immediately.  What this also means is that the poison ingested by the rodents also got into that water. 

That can also happen when rodents die out in the wild and the poison in them goes into the ground and creates easy potential for that poison to go into the ground water.

Animals Dying in Walls, Ceilings, Other Difficult Places

Another potential result of when rodents ingest poison is that during the process of trying to get out for water they can bump into something and then, because rodent poisons are anti-coagulants, the animals bleed to death which often leads to their dying inside a wall, ceiling or some other place from which it may be difficult to locate and then extract them.  This can also turn out to be a rather expensive and messy process, depending on where they met their demise. 

It is therefore substantially better to exclude or repel rodents before they get inside instead of poisoning them after they gain access to your home.